At GSE, our business is about resources development. Any development infrastructure is supported by the land which thus constitutes a crucial resource. Beyond being the base on which the resources development infrastructures are built, the land is also a resource in and of itself. It is used for farming and agriculture, to yield products necessary for subsistence and other applications.
Our Agronomists have a mastery of the agricultural production systems and technologies as well as land evaluation and improvement strategies for agricultural purposes.

Our services include:
- Agronomic consulting
We help farmers optimize soil fertility, identify and control pests, and manage the land to minimize erosion and nutrient losses.
- Fertilizer modelling
We offer projections of quantities of fertilizer demanded on the nutrient/crop/location-specific.
- Agrivoltaics
We provide technical consulting for farming under solar panels to optimize land use and we share research data with local farmers.
- Smart Agriculture introduction
The fast development of ICTs is changing the landscape of our world across many industries, including agriculture. The use of advanced robotic technology and IoT in agriculture led to smart agriculture. We can introduce you to this new system to optimize your expenditures, reduce labour cost, increase your productivity and improve your production quality.
- Digestate application
In order to improve the soil microbial activity and soil quality and reduce environmental pollution, we provide solutions for the appropriate application of digestate liquid as organic fertilizer.