Well Testing & Evaluation
In exploration and production drilling, well maintenance, as well as geothermal field management, well testing plays an essential role.
Geothermal well testing includes an array of measurements aimed at gathering information on well characteristics, production potential, and reservoir properties. The stimulation of wells in order to enhance their output also falls within this category.
Our partner, Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR), counts in its team a number of geophysicists, chemists, reservoir physicists, engineers, and technicians who have long experience in all aspects of geothermal well testing and evaluation. These specialists have conducted such work in almost all drilled geothermal fields in Iceland, and they have been involved in well testing and evaluation projects worldwide.
Logging trucks and a multitude of logging tools for wireline and electrical logging are owned and operated by Iceland GeoSurvey. ÍSOR also runs a chemical laboratory.

GSE, through its collaboration with Iceland Geosurvey, offers geothermal well testing and evaluation services as follows:
- Temperature and pressure logging
The physical state of a reservoir is determined through well logging, for the location of feed-zones, and the determination of general well conditions. The logging can be performed either with the well flowing or shut-in.
- Well test design
Well tests are designed and executed and associated pressure transient analyses are performed. This includes single-well tests, including flow tests, injection tests, and recovery tests, as well as multi-well tests, such as interference tests. Their purpose is the determination of reservoir properties and well characteristics.
- Well stimulation
Well stimulation is aimed at improving the productivity and injectivity of geothermal wells. In the stimulation, cold water injection, thermal cycling, airlift, and chemical treatment are involved. The purpose of all these methods is to open up and clean out existing fractures, and forming new ones. Low-temperature wells are commonly stimulated using downhole packers.
- Tracer tests
The objective of tracer tests is to delineate connections between different wells, particularly between reinjection and production wells, and to study flow paths in geothermal systems. In most cases, they are used to determine the feasibility of proposed long-term reinjection schemes in resource management.
- Evaluation of wells
An evaluation of the physical, chemical, and mechanical characteristics of the wells is made. The integrity of the wells is verified to ensure their safe operation.